Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health

The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH) is a unique agency that provides specialist information, training and support on cultural diversity and wellbeing.

In 1994, North Richmond received funding from the Victorian Department of Human Services to share its learnings across the state, and the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health was formed.

With an initial focus on health, CEH provided cultural competence training to healthcare professionals and began to amass a library of resources on multiculturalism and health.

Further statewide programs followed: in 2004 the Multicultural Health and Support Service was formed to work with migrant and refugee communities around sexually-transmissible infections and blood-borne viruses; and in 2005 the Department of Justice funded the Multicultural Gambler's Help Program to assist problem gambling services to meet the needs of migrant and refugee clients. A new program, Health Sector Development , was formed in 2007 to work exclusively with health and community service providers.

The work of these three programs has given CEH expertise in health and wellbeing, human rights, cultural competence and cross-cultural communication.

We remain a part of North Richmond Community Health Limited and work across Australia.

Non-profit organization